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Newcastle Emlyn Town Council crest

Newcastle Emlyn Town Council


The Town Council meets once as month in Cawdor Hall, Newcastle Emlyn. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7.00pm (excluding the months of August and December). All meetings of the Town Council are open to the public but occasionally they will be excluded when confidential matters have to be discussed. Members of the public can address the Town Council by prior arrangement via the Clerk giving 10 days notice.

Date Change for June Meeting will now be 27th due to unforeseen circumstances.

There are ten Town Councillors who make up Newcastle Emlyn Town Council. In May each year the Council holds its Annual meeting and Mayor-Making Ceremony and one of the Councillors is elected to the position of Mayor, and another to the position of Deputy Mayor.

Minutes of every meeting are made available on this website once they have been passed by the Council at the following meeting.
Our Strategic Documents are also available for you to view.